Hope out of Horror – Seeking Refuge in Australia
For the past twenty years refugees and those seeking asylum in our country have been subjected to cruel and inhumane treatment by successive Federal Governments.
Despite COVID-19, in this year designated as The Year of St. Joseph the Refugee who was forced with his small family to flee the cruelty of Herod The Sisters of Saint Joseph launched 150 Days of Action for people seeking refuge in our land.
This period of activism will culminate on Migrant and Refugee Sunday, (Sept. 26th, 2021) and as a penultimate event of this campaign, SJAB (Social Justice Around the Bay), St. Vincent de Paul, Northern Sydney/ Central Coast Regional Social Justice Committee and Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) Australia is holding a webinar titled:
Hope Out of Horror – Seeking Refuge in Australia
on Thursday, September 23, 7pm – 8pm
This event assumes a new and greater urgency in the face of the Horror currently being faced by the people of Afghanistan and by those Afghans marooned here on temporary visas.
While our Government’s initial response to the resurgence of the Taliban gives some hope it is long term compassion and change of policy that must follow.
This webinar will offer stories of courage and resilience from those who have suffered under a succession of repressive Government policies; it will present facts and statistics on what this country has lost through dehumanisation of fellow members of the human family and it will draw back the curtains to expose how and where families and individuals are trapped in hotel detention and sub-standard living conditions.
As Australians we believe enough is enough and we invite yourself and members of Bridge to Asylum Seekers to join our cry to Canberra to:
- Offer permanent protection to all refugees
- Enable access to family reunion for refugees
- Provide a safety net, including medical and financial assistance to those seeking refuge and in need
The Speakers at the Webinar will be:
Please register your attendance and pass on the following link to your members: